1. EAT LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT! Because it does! Use the Power of Food and make the right food choices by transitioning to more of a whole food plant-based eating lifestyle. This can help PREVENT and even REVERSE chronic disease and overweight. Getting older does not have to mean getting sicker! Like the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, said, “Let food be thy medicine & medicine be thy food.”
2. KEEP MOVING! Sitting is the new smoking. So, get off your butt and your “buts (no excuses)!" Start with morning stretches and then enjoy some aerobic exercise every day – walking, running, hiking, biking, swimming. Chair exercises are good, too. Also, get outdoors in the fresh air and embrace what nature has to offer. Develop a daily regimen and stick to it!
3. REDUCE STRESS. Stress can increase the risk of illness. An ongoing mindfulness practice can be an effective way to relieve stress. Mindfulness means maintaining a heightened awareness of the present moment without rehashing the past or worrying about the future. It is paying attention to where we are and what we’re doing NOW without judging or over-reacting. Meditation is a training method for mindfulness.
4. PRACTICE QIGONG TO CULTIVATE ENERGY. Discover how to connect the mind and body. Make your own medicine through the Power of Qigong ("chee gong"). Learn and practice this ancient Chinese wellness system of self-healing to prevent illness and overcome discomfort and disease. It's easy and fun and has a wealth of health benefits.
5. MAKE SLEEP A PRIORITY. Stick to a schedule of 7-8 hours of sleep nightly. Lack of restorative sleep can adversely affect your mood, vitality, mental sharpness, and physical well-being. Your bedroom should be only for sleep and sex. It should be dark, cool, quiet, and without TV and computers. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, sugary foods, and drinking lots of fluids prior to bedtime. Enjoy a pre-sleep routine like a warm bath or reading.
6. CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY NOW! Happiness is not a goal or a destination. It is the journey! In every situation we have a choice to be happy or not. It's about intention, attitude, and how you want to live your life. Happiness is not about getting what you desire, but about enjoying what you have. Reflecting on all that you are grateful for every day helps to achieve this.
7. SERVE OTHERS. Accomplish this by volunteering at local agencies, aiding friends and neighbors in need, being more generous, doing random acts of kindness, and lifting the spirits of others. When you assist someone, it takes the focus off yourself. Your action makes them feel good and you will feel good, too. Make it an everyday goal to help someone, a friend or a stranger, in some way.
8. SAY "YES" TO LIFE! Try new things – big or small. Meet new people. Embark on new adventures. Embrace new ideas, places, and ways. Also, keep learning by attending classes and discovering new interests, concepts, and perspectives. Expand your mind and your knowledge through education. Consider teaching others and sharing your wisdom as well.
9. GO WITH THE FLOW! Acceptance without resistance to all experiences that flow into your being is the key to inner peace and tranquility. Strive to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be or what you desire it to be. Continually try to row your boat downstream – with the flow – rather than upstream against it.
10. LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Live a balanced and healthful lifestyle. Act out your personal passions and purpose and enjoy the experience of positive personal growth. Whatever your age, DO WHAT YOU LOVE AND LOVE WHAT YOU DO.
These TEN STRATEGIES are adapted from our book,
"101 Ways To Be Young At Any Age!" ORDER IT HERE!
Please get your health professional's approval before starting any new dietary or exercise regimen.